Eve Online Vendetta

  1. Vendetta Online Ships
  2. Eve Free To Play Restrictions

I was very late to this fleet because of work so I'm rocking the old reliable whore maulus in order to make it to the f. A ship or spaceship in EVE Online is an entity used to traverse space, battle enemy forces, ferry materials and products, provide logistical services along with many other uses. A ship may be piloted by a capsuleer (player) or non-player characters such as CONCORD, faction militaries, civilian industrialists, outlawed paramilitary and pirate.

ALOD: First Vendetta in EVE Killed by AWOX while Ratting


Yep, you read that right. The first Vendetta loss has occurred in New Eden on March 1. Not only that, it died while ratting. The faction supercarrier was estimated at an adjusted price tag of approximately 100b ISK.

Favonius89 was minding his own business, killing time while ratting in 8RQJ-2. He had no idea what was coming for him. Reports say an awox alt that had snuck into Karmafleet was responsible for both tackling the supercarrier, and lighting a cyno to bring in the attackers. The reports appear to be true, as a lone Karmafleet character appears on the killmail with a Warp Disruption Field Generator. Accompanying the lone faux-SNOOObee was a fleet comprised primarily of Pandemic Legion Taloses. They threw in a few dreadnoughts as well for good measure. To add insult to injury for poor Favonius89, they managed to catch his blingy pod as well.

OnlineEve online vendetta

Congratulations are in order for all pilots involved with this kill, as there can only be one first Vendetta kill in EVE Online. A tip of the hat in particular goes to the two pilots at the top of the killmail, Lejandra Sikestor and Hagress. That’s one heck of a feather in the ole space cap!

We contacted Goonswarm FC Asher Elias, who put together a fleet to try to save the doomed Vendetta. Asher didn’t have much to say about the whole thing, though. He managed to form up a fleet and get a couple of Apostles on grid, but the Vendetta was too far gone and melted before they were able to help.

Vendetta Online Ships

Asher did leave our readers with one piece of advice on his way out however: “Next time, rat in a Hel”. Little did Asher know, his advice may not have helped this particular pilot in the end.

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Thanks in advance!