Nano Sales Manager

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  4. Nano Sales Manager Jobs
Nano Sales Manager will help you to arrange the process of selling the products and services from the first meeting with a potential client to the turning him into a permanent customer. The Application will also demonstrate you the efficiency of this process by means of the sales funnel. The sales funnel is a diagram in the form of inverted pyramid. Each part of the pyramid is a percentage of the clients being at one of the stages of the selling process (introduction, presentation etc.). The form of pyramid corresponds to the efficiency of your work at each stage of selling. The lowest part of the pyramid illustrates the percentage of the clients who have purchased your products and passed all stages. Thus, the sales funnel visually demonstrates you the stages where you lose the clients.

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Sales The program allows you to automate various business-processes of sales. In the most simple case these are the processes with a short cycle when a client found you by himself and wants to purchase your product or service. The only thing left for you to do is to create a sales order, add the necessary products therein, accept the payment, give the products to the client and set the 'Completed' status of the order. Nano

Nano Sales Manager Salary

To automate more complicated selling processes use the projects in the 'CRM' module as described hereinafter.
  • Make a separate project for every new client in the organizer
  • When developed the project passes a number of stages. You may adjust them by yourself but by default the application is set to the following stages:
    1. Introduction
    2. Presentation
    3. Commercial offer
    4. Contract is signed
    5. Sold
  • After every contact with a client add a comment to the project with the contact summing up. And, probably, change the project status.
  • It is very important to indicate the revision date and time in the project card. It indicates when you will need to keep in contact with the client next time. There is a switch of the revision date with the positions 'Today', 'Tomorrow', and 'The day after tomorrow' in the projects list. Using it you will easily find the projects you need to work with at the present moment.
  • If you get a refuse from a client at any stage leave the project in this status and indicate the refuse reason in the project card. For example, at the 'Commercial offer' stage a client may refuse due to high price.
  • If you get a refuse from a client at any stage leave the project in this status and indicate the refuse reason in the project card. For example, at the 'Commercial offer' stage a client may refuse due to high price.
  • The project can help you to handle the client's objections. To do this you can find the solutions for typical client's objections on the 'Help' tab. Fill this library on the assumption of the experience of communication with the clients and from other sources of information on that subject.
  • When the project comes to the sale create the sales order directly in the project card on the 'Sales' tab. The order will be linked with this project.

Nano Sales Manager Job

You may arrange the customized sales as well. Issue the invoices for the products not available in stock, transfer the sales orders in the 'Proved' status and then by means of the 'Shortages of stock' report estimate the products requirement and create the orders for the suppliers. Upon receipt of the products from the suppliers you forward them according to already made sales orders to your clients. Manager
Nano sales manager jobs

Nano Sales Manager Login

Key Features Include:
  • Keep the product catalog updated with photos
  • Tracing stock on hand takes into account reserves and income estimates
  • Estimation products requirements takes into account minimum and maximum provisions, and level of re-order and purchasing rate
  • Cluster clients according to credit status, types of prices, types of discounts, ABC-class, and fields of activities
  • Controlling the amount of the maximum credit on products for every client
  • Trace both debtors and creditors
  • Creation of sales orders, printing and sending invoices, and delivery notes to email
  • Control the profitability of each transaction and each product
  • Work better with suppliers with the help of the 'Purchases' module
  • Account monetary transactions in terms of invoices, transactions, and categories of incomes & expenditures
  • Adjustment of taxes
  • Report on sales, purchases, finances and stock
  • Import and export data from most electronic tables
  • Work with a local database - Continue working even without an Internet connection

Nano Sales Manager Jobs